Charlie got to spend the day with the LaPav Family [last name has been altered to protect their identity](hereinafter “LPF”) and he sure had a lot of fun! (Cathy’s kids were even up early to greet him!)
Charlie and the Chickies
Literally, a chicken.
Charlie and Sarah (He even kicked his legs and smiled when he first saw her!)
Emily and Charlie (He’s hoping she’ll teach him how to back sometime soon!)
Just the Guys
Charlie and Jim
Charlie and Joel
“Mom, this place is great! They let me play on the computer…
AND try out the keyboard!”
Hanging in the Umbrella stroller
Charlie’s BF – Penny (He loved watching her walk back and forth and even WHIMPERED when she left the room!)
And the chicken’s back!
One of my fave pics – taken with Cathy’s amazing camera!
All tuckered out.
If you are reading this LPF, he went to bed at 6:30 p.m.!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE all these cute pictures!