-Loves clocks (cah)
-Loves keys (Keh-keh)
-Says ca-ca (as in icky)
-Knows and (sort of) says the word hot (Puts hand in the air, stops abruptly, “ha-ha”, particularly when referencing the oven or stove)
-When you lift him to comfort him, he pats daddy gently on the back and taps mommy with one finger on her chest, as if to say, “Thanks, love you also.”
-BLANKIE! It’s official – THE blankie is a dingy, formerly white, soft thing that he can hardly live without. When we take him out of his crib, he hands it out first and finds it quickly in almost any room he goes into.
-Enjoys watching mommy work out with the Wii
-“Dances” to the beat by simply grooving up and down whenever he hears music he likes
-Officially getting his THIRD tooth (top) and probably THREE (!!!!!) others
-Has taken multiple steps…only to revert back to crawling…he KNOWS how, but refuses!
-His hair grows like a WEED! And we get many compliments on the beautiful color.
-He has been bottle and formula free since his first birthday. We went cold turkey and never looked back.
-He eats almost everything, but has also become very opinionated when you attempt to give him things that he DOES NOT WANT. This includes tightening his lips, turning his head, and covering his face with his hands.
-He LOVES LOVES LOVES sweets and knows the moment someone has something he may like.
-LOVES to shut doors, but cries when he gets stuck behind one he can no longer open
-LOVES books still and enjoys pointing out the little creatures that daddy asks him to find (i.e. Mouse in “Good Night, Moon” and birdie in his winter book.
-Enjoys using a spoon (sort of) and has recently retaken up a liking for oatmeal…because he gets to “help”
-Enjoys cleaning and cleaning tools: dustbuster, vaccuums, brooms, mops, and rags. He cries when we put them away – we have caught him in several positions of “cleaning” throughout the past few weeks
-Hits his head when we ask where Poppy is (a trick taught to him by poppy)
-Officially knows the following letters by sight and can repeat the sound back to you “M”, “K”, “P”, “H” and “B”
My beautiful boy – my how time flies – I love you more than the moon and stars in the sky! You are amazing!!!
Awww, Auntie Kooks and Uncle J love you Charlie! You are adorable and so smart!
I love how he closes doors and then cries that he’s stuck in a room he doesn’t want to be in. That’s hysterical and super cute!