We took another opportunity today to enjoy this beautiful weather! The sun was shining, the wind was blowing through our hair and we were feeling great!
We started the day by walking the Chicago Ridge mall three (!!!) times with Grandma and cousins, Michelle, Amy, and Declan. A great time was had by all and mommy sure got her exercise! Then, we ventured to the park near Grandma’s house and later enjoyed lunch at Jason’s Deli (including custard) YUM! A beautiful day!
Charlie and the Red-Headed Girl (Her daddy really liked Charlie’s shirt!)
Crossing the bridge with Grandma

Just swinging…

We’d taken Oliver to the park for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He loved it! He was too small for the baby swing, so we held him as we swung it slightly. I went down the slide with him in my lap, and then we let him play with the steering wheels. He thought it was the greatest thing, ever!