After all the day’s excitement, we headed to Momma’s house for some Easter Egg Dyeing fun. The tip from a magazine of putting an egg in a whisk for Charlie to cover only worked so long until he threw the whole whisk on the ground, the egg cracked, and we then had our first casualty of the evening. He was less than thrilled with coloring eggs, but seemed content with crayons, a coloring book, and occasionally trying to get the egg spinner going. After all was said and done, we started with 24 eggs, ended up with 22 completed and were sure to have our stand-bys colored…
Tie-Dyed fun with the addition of a brand-new garage sale egg spinner…

The whisk experiment
Charlie’s Egg 😉
The infamous Eyeball (the kids always LOVE looking for this one)
“Choo-Choo, Charlie!”
The nuclear egg (aka everything that’s leftover slap on this egg…)
The finished products.
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