How far along: 35 weeks!
Total weight gain: 8 lbs…and there are days when I feel like the baby IS that big….
Maternity clothes: Still a mixture!
Sleep: Interrupted and entering the insomnia stage…gotta love it!
Best Moment this week: Busting out the Christmas decorations and entering the month before the baby’s due!
Movement: YES!
Gender: I’ll say a little brother.
Labor signs: Braxtons
Belly button: In, but def stretched.
Cravings: Frozen coke & pepsi.
What I miss: 8 hours of sleep a night
Stretch Marks: Yep.
What is different this time around: I am so much MORE ready to be done with this pregnancy than I ever was with Charlie…
What I am looking forward to this week: the Progressive Dinner and my 35 week ultrasound!
OMG Sam only 8 pounds! You will lose that moments after #2 is born. So envious over here….
And “In, but def stretched” made me really lol (same over here too)