Dear Jack,
I can hardly believe that two months have passed! We have finally settled into a little routine (for now) and I’m enjoying every minute of it! You give the biggest grins and can be quite the chatterbox when you feel like it. Your hair is slowly falling out (although you still have quite the mane) and I believe it’s being replaced with the same dark hue. You LOVE to people watch, especially big brother when he is on the bed with you. My little man, I love you so!
*Valentine’s Day
*Time in the bouncy seat
*Time sleeping four and a half hours in a row at night (woohoo!)
*Grocery store visit
*Time in Poppy’s bed
*Time being babysat by Momma for a little bit
*Chocolate party (hehe)
*Eating (still)
*Big brother
*Being left alone
*Diaper changes (usually)
*Clothing changes
You both like and dislike being swaddled. This is mine and daddy’s go to move to swaddle you up and make you comfy. I can feel you relax in our arms and you being to drift off to sleep for bedtime…but somewhere, somehow, in the middle of the night your arms begin to escape and your legs start kicking in annoyance. So for now…we’ll keep the swaddle in BOTH categories.
You are our beautiful blessing and a reminder of Hope. You bring much joy and happiness to our little life and we can hardly wait to see just how adorable you continue to be.
We love you, cuddlebug!
Mommy & Daddy
He is waving to his fans on the side. (Last picture). I love the hair.
Aunt Sarah
I remember the swaddle! It was a lifesaver for about two or three months, and then it was a headache because he’d get his arms out and cry! We’d use two blankets… swaddle him in one, and then swaddle him in another. It made it harder for him to get out, but eventually, he started getting out of that, too. When he was nearly four months old, we had to let him CIO for him to learn to fall asleep without it: