Dear Jack,
There is no way that you are ACTUALLY a quarter of a year now. No, sirree!! As all of these March babies were born, I could hardly believe that meant you were nearing the three month mark!! You are such a smiley guy and we love you to bits and pieces. Each day is an adventure and I wouldn’t have it any other way!!
*St. Patrick’s Day
*First Boppy seating
*Time sleeping FIVE hours in a row!
*First trip to Lake Katherine
*First trip to the Children’s Museum in Oak Lawn
*First time at a restaurant (All Aboard Diner in Downers Grove)
*First time at Shedd Aquarium (for you AND Charlie!)
*ROLLING OVER! (You are a beast and rolled over almost a full month earlier than Charlie did. You are a strong little bugger and obviously are not afraid to show it. This was from belly to back).
*First bath with big brother (you were in your tub WITHIN the big tub of course).
*First time at the park and first time in the swing
*Eating! You are doing so well and your screams during burps are getting less and less. You are such a sweetheart and eat about five times during the day and twice during the night.
*Cuddling & Snuggling
*Blankies!! (go figure…)
*You LOVE Charlie. You watch him from across the room (one pic below captures you staring off to the side at him). He makes you smile SO big and I can’t wait until the interaction gets even more so.
*The monkey at Momma & Poppy’s house (Charlie loved the white one of these. You could stare at and talk to him for HOURS!!)
*The swing. What was a favorite last month has quickly become despised by you. You stare at the mobile and mirror for a few seconds, but then it’s on to something else and it should NOT include your swing in any way.
*Being left alone. You are my high maintenance baby. You follow us around with your eyes, almost begging to be picked up. You are VERY opinionated and will (loudly) voice when you do not like something. There is no in between with you. You either LOVE or HATE something in an instant.
*Getting dressed
This coming month will bring much fun. Between birthday parties, Easter egg hunts, Easter, and probably losing the swaddle…(EEK!), there is much fun to be had! We love you and cannot wait until this weather warms up so we can continue to venture outside with you and Charlie!
We love you!!!
Mommy & Daddy
Love the hair and the dog.