My dad reminded me today just how quickly time flies. And as I sit here tonight, looking for a picture, I came across the following picture….when did he:
As I started looking through old pictures tonight from just two years ago, it was as if those memories happened yesterday. It’s like I remember what I felt when I took that picture or what we were doing or how Charlie was acting. And in an instant, he is a rambunctious, fun-loving, two and a half year old….and my life somehow feels like it’s in fast-forward.
So on days when I feel overwhelmed at the thought of all I have to do, when I feel burdened at daily life, when these boys just seem to drive me to the brink, I’ll think of each of these pictures and remember that this is a season, a brief time in which I am the world to them and in which the laundry can wait ’til tomorrow and life will work itself out. I know that years from now, I’ll long for these days, but while I’m here, I’ll cherish them.
all young parents should enjoy there children as they grow up so as not to be disappointed when you are older and remember things that you should have done with them and for them. remember the children will remember more of how you act in life compared to what you tell them to do. don’t be sorry later in life.