Every once in a while, I plan to post some “Memory Snippets.” Memory Snippets are just some quick things the boys are doing or saying that I want to forever remember years from now…
I love the way Charlie says “polly-lop” for lollipops.
Charlie, Upon arriving at Poppy & Momma’s house once, Daddy told you that we had arrived at Billy’s house! You repeated what he said, then went about your way. Imagine my surprise when weeks later, when we got to our OWN house, you also said, “We’re Here! It’s Billy’s house!” (ha!)
We also look forward to when Daddy comes home and some possibilities await us – dinner, milk, even the park! Just today, when out running errands (with the sun shining), Charlie burst out! “It’s nice! Daddy come home – go to park!” Apparently, we are headed to the park post-dinner.
Charlie’s current favorite show? The Letter Show! aka Wheel of Fortune – he SCREECHES when someone wins and the top guesser in our house? Mommy usually
Jack *lives* for his brother. He cries when Charlie kisses him goodnight, knowing that his friend disappears for the evening. He also cries when Charlie leaves the room sometimes!
Jack has also quickly become a mover and a shaker, never staying in the same place for long…he will definitely be keeping me on my toes!
Is there an update on the weight loss challenge?