*Note: I promise to catch up on vacation later until then, enjoy these posts!
This past weekend one of my absolute favorite people came into town – my cousin/brother, Justin! It was his first time meeting Jack and I was happy to spend a bunch of time with him and the rest of my immediate family. My nephew, David’s, birthday is October 1st, but since his BFF Justin was in town, they moved his friend party up to this past Saturday. It was rained out, so we went on Sunday instead! The weather was GORGEOUS and it was my family’s first time being there (Jim, Charlie, Jack and myself). It was Jack’s first official baseball game and we had fun enjoying the weather and the sport (I guess!) I really am digging this minor league parks because they are super family friendly AND affordable! (Not to mention the numerous freebies we received on our visit!)
Just a few pictures that captured our day….
Very nice pictures!